
Monday, February 25, 2019

a group of doves

a                         of ships

The children knew they had to have their homework on the teachers desk first thing in the morning but there were always those who didn't

a cut circle is a half circle

write a word using a suffix ful. Helpful

Write a synonym for the following words
voyage - journey
decide - something on your mind

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

What is a scientist

i think what a scientist is
A scientist is a person who works in the laboratory that helps people out with science that does and works out stuff and makes stuff in the science lab and he does experiments like hands on fire and using all the science materials and they know everything about different stuff.

Image result for albert einsteini found out a person that study science

the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

this scientist is from German

Einstein published more than 300 scientific papers and more than 150 non-scientific works. His intellectual achievements and originality have made the word "Einstein" synonymous with "genius". Eugene Wigner wrote of Einstein in comparison to his contemporaries that "Einstein's understanding was deeper even than His mind was both more penetrating and more original than von Neumann's. And that is a very remarkable statement.

Buncha balloons
How are characters constructed in this text

Characters are constructed in this text by kids throwing water balloons around even their mums and dads playing around with them and having water balloons fights. they are also constructed in this text by having fun with the kids , like parents they are having fun with the kids and they are constructed by playing and having fun.

What kind of language is used in this text
The language that is used in this text is kids language no nothing wrong just kids having a little fun having a water fight and even their parents joining in. this language in this text is about kid having fun playing around with water balloons.

Who is the likely audience of this text?
The audience of this text is likely the people around or the person that is ordering the meal, the person that is ordering the meal is the audience because he hasn't been eating and no groceries from the shop.

why am i reading this text?
i am reading this text because McDonald's is good to eat and really yum. i am reading this text also because its for my work critical literacy English. also to improve my critical literacy.

Who is missing from this text
The companies that ain't here like burger king, Kfc, Wendy's.
them companies ain't in the video

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Butterflies Text

What kind of language is used in this text?
The grandparents speak really cheeky to the kid and i don't think the kid likes it.

What is this text about?
The text is about killing butterflies cause the grand parents are getting sick of them eating their foods in the garden
I know that it is about butterflies cause the grandparents are talking about butterflies being annoying in their gardens what they have in their garden.

The author wants us to know that butter flies can be good or bad, old people like grandparents don't like butterflies in their gardens because they are landing on the gardens. sometimes it is bad to have butterflies around your gardens eating your vegetables.

How are the characters constructed in this text
The characters are constructed in this text by the grandparents saying butterflies are bad because they are going into the grandparents and eating their vegetables.

What kind of social realities does the text portray
Of butterflies being in your gardens buzzing around being annoying and eating your veges that you have grown.

Critical Literacy Practice Task

Image result for german fuel prices

C-  This photo was taken 2010 This was published in 2017, and updated in 2018
R- The photo was about a truck crashed in fog that caused traffic jam, and they couldn't leave until 9 days
A- We don't know how publish or made it
P-  Petrol prices are to high and we should do something about.

  • They are angry that the prices of fuel go up. 
  • and they don't wanna pay their gas cause the prices are going up slowly and they just wanna leave their cars. 
  • if prices keep going up some people are just gonna ditch there cars and do something.
  • They should stop going in creasing prices or people will do something.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Social studies/ treaty of Waitangi

Learning objective

What i already know? i know about the blog posts and the treaty of waitangi. i know what you have to do and write in a learning objective. waitangi is a day of when the irish men and maori came toghether and signed something.

What i found interesting? i found interesting was reading lots of stuff about waitangi and blog posting about it and finding interesting stuff about waitangi day.

What would i like to know? i would like to know that how waitangi started and what is a proper blog posts.

Factual or Satirical

The onion
What does the website look like:

it looks like a fake website that has fake news and photos of people.

The photos they are using are like boys and girls but they are very old and they look like fake news Articles.

The headlines they are sharing:  They are showing fake news and articles with like people and fake videos. they are showing fake news about drones and articles as well.

Factual or Satirical? i think the site is fake news and it is satirical.

The Daily Mash
What does the website look like

Full of fake news?  To me it looks like a lot of fake pictures and articles

The photos they are using? are like one of a movie character and just pictures about real people but it is fake news about them not real

What headlines are they sharing? Fake news and some pictures about nothing that is real but all of it is fake news on the site

It is a satirical website fake news.

The shovel
What does the site look like

A lot of fake articles of people that are lying  about the news it is all fake. they are telling fake news and you cant think its true

What photos are they using
They are using photos of people sharing news but they are the ones who sharing the fake news. and talking about people losing weight and buying money on games.

What headlines are they sharing
The headlines they sharing is about people losing weight and coming up with old people spending money on a game that is fake cause it is for kids the game fortnite.

The website looks fake so satirical

The new York Times
The website looks factual and real
What photos is it using
Real photos of news on tv and not fake articles
What headlines are they using
They are using real headlines and factual headlines
It is a factual website

The civillian

Friday, February 8, 2019

Agenda: list of items, or given perspective.

Authority: Some who is an authority on something knows a lot about it.

Bias: Someone who favours one person or thing unfairly

Credible: Is someone or something is credible you can believe it.

Manipulate: To influence or control people or events

perspective: a particular way of looking at something.

Reliable: a person or thing that can be trusted to do what you want.

Source: The person place or thing that something comes from.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

English 2019

Today in English we watched 2 videos. and i found out how people think of teenagers sitting on their phones too much not talking to their family or mum and dad. they don't do nothing but stare at screens all day and play on their cell phones. for some people they might think right or wrong, and for me this is right teenagers and kids some of them just do sit their on their phones or Xbox or video games and like apps like Facebook Instagram and Snap chat they don't need to always steer at their phones.