
Thursday, December 5, 2019

Polynesian/Maori tattoos

In maths in the last 2 weeks, we have been learning how to use a compass and get good with it, and also looking at patterns and Poly/Maori designs. I have been creating a pattern and tattoo of a Polynesian design it it is looking quite good. I might need to put some more Polynesian patterns on it for next time, but so far this is what it is looking like.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Act Four, Scene Two
  1. What invitation does Portia refuse and why? The rings
  2. What does Nerissa plan to get, why do you think this is important? Husbands ring
  3. Do you admire Portia after these scenes, or do you find her actions cruel. Use examples to support your thinking. I think i find her cruel, for saying she only accepts the rings, and because portia is taking the rings from Nerissa husband

Shylock Character Study #2
Shylock makes his last appearance in A4S1

  • How does he behave when he thinks he is winning? Greedy and selfish
  • Is his behaviour what you expected of him based on the story so far, look carefully at his one-ine answers, as well as at his longer speeches. Look too at his reply to Gratiano L 139-142. No his behaviour isn't what i was expecting.
  • Why do lines 40-46 offer a particularly chilling comparison. What is Shylock saying. Compare L67.
  • How does Shylock react when he becomes the victim?

Thursday, November 28, 2019

What causes tides:
Sun and moon

Outline why there are usually two high tides per 24-hour day.
Sun comes up

a) How many high tides are here in a 24 hour period
Usually 2

b) How high was the high tide at noon on Sunday

d) low tide on Thursday evening

Differences between solar and lunar eclipse:
A lunar occurs when the earth passes between the moon and the sun.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Science research

Phases of the moon:
New Moon: In astronomy the new moon is the first lunar phase, when the Moon and Sun have the same ecliptic longitude.
Waxing Crescent: waxing crescent moon – visible in the western sky – follows the sun below the western horizon.
First Quarter: The first of the united states federal governments fiscal year is October November, and December.
Waxing Gibbous: Waxing means that it is getting bigger. Gibbous refers to the shape, which is less than the full circle of a full moon.
Third Quarter: The third quarter moon is when the opposite half of the moon is illuminated compared to the first quarter.
Waning Crescent: The waxing crescent moon is visible in the western sky.

Moons impact on tides:
High tides and low tides are caused by the moon. The moons gravitational pull generates something called the tidal force.

Monday, November 25, 2019


Act Three, Scene Four
  1. Finish this quote that shows Lorenzo’s opinion of Antonio? ‘But if you knew of whom you show this honour how true a gentleman you send relief (Black Pg. 131, Blue Pg.78) 
  2. What does Portia tell Lorenzo she intends to do? (Black Pg. 133, Blue Pg.79) To fare well him and obey him
  3. What does she ask Lorenzo and Jessica to do for her and why? To wish on something
  4. Why do Portia and Nerissa intend to travel dressed as men? To fare well and obey Lorenzo
  5. Finish this quote which shows how Portia describes the behaviour and attitudes of young men. ‘Like a fine bragging youth, and tell quaint lies, how honourable ladies fell sick and died’ (Black Pg. 135, Blue Pg.81) 
  6. Does it seem likely that Portia is going to follow the expected  behaviour of a wife? Yes, cause she knows what she can do right.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Act Two, Scene SevenWhich casket does the Prince of Morocco think is worthy to contain Portia’s portrait?Complete this quote ‘Is’t like that lead contains her; ‘Twere damnation to think so base a thought’ (Black Pg. 79, Blue Pg.54)Portia’s father uses the casket test to find her the most suitable husband. Do you think his test is working? Its workingAct Two, Scene EightWhat two disasters have happened to Shylock?
1 Her dad ran away, and someone stole the daughter.Complete this quote that tells where Shylock think Lorenzo & Jessica have gone? ‘The villain with outcrises the duke, who went with him to search _________ ship’ (Black Pg. 81, Blue Pg.55)How did Bassanio and Antonio leave Venice?‘In the narrow seas that part the French and English, there miscarried a vessel of our country richly fraught’ (Black P. 83, Blue P.56) What is the first suggestion of trouble for Antonio? 

SDL Reflection & Goal

1 Goal i need to focus on for this week is, to not be talking while the teacher is talking or a student is talking.

The second goal i need to do is get all my up to date work on my blog before Friday.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Leviathan is summoned

Leviathan is summoned

1. In Paragraph 3, the area which serves as the navigation centre for a ship is the:
c: Bridge

2. According to Brooke, what would the whalers do with the whales
a: Take them back to japan for research

3. Which Paragraph describes the fate of the Kujira Kiru
c: Paragraph 8

4. Brooke noticed the water changing after the whaling ship was attacked
c: After

5. How were ocean force and Kujira Kiru different
a: The crew of each had an interest in whales

6. What will leviathan probably do in the future
a: Go back to rest

7. Brooke wanted:
b: The whalers to stop killing whales

8. A good summary for Paragraph 8 is that leviathan
a: Destroyed the whaling ship

9. What was the affect of Leviathan approaching the surface of ocean?
c: Brooke became very upset

10. What can we can infer about Brooke
a: She loves ocean animals

11. It is a fact, not an opinion that:
b: Some people eat whale meat

12. You can conclude that leviathan was a:
a: Whale

13. The pronoun them in Paragraph 3 refers to the:
a: Whales

14. What is the author's point of view about whaling
b: Leviathan will eventually come to kill whalers

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Last week on Thursday in home economics we made 4 tastes of smoothies, we got to go around and taste 1 of them when they were ready to taste. They all had different tastes and some were not the smoothie i would drink but they were okay for a first taste.

These are the 4 smoothies our class made:
Rainbow blend
Cracking Coconut
Berry Blast - strawberry
Banana Breezy.

The first recipe my group made was:
2 banana
2 spoons of ice cream
vanilla essence.

Round 2 recipe we made was:
1 banana
1 spoon of ice cream
this time we added the hot chocolate stuff
we added more oats
and didn't add vanilla essence this time.

Once everyone came round tasting every groups smoothie, we had to write down on the paper sheet what it tasted & smelled like.

Rainbow blend
nice and smooth texture
tasted a bit like mango.

Cracking coconut
quite sour
a lot of coconut milk.

Berry blast
Not smooth
But the first round was better and smoother.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

1. In paragraph 2, the word bereavement could be replaced with:
c: Loss of her husband correct

2. In which country did Violette work in the special operations executive
a: France correct 

3. What made Violette decide to volunteer for the special services executive
b: the death of her husband correct

4. Which statement is an opinion not a fact
c: courageous woman correct

5. Before the birth of her daughter Violette Szabo
b: worked as a nurse correct

6. You can conclude that Violette Szabo was a woman
a; generous hearted correct

7. A word to summarise Violette missons could be:
b: dangerous correct

8. The main idea of Paragraph 6 is to describe Violett's
b: Failed mission wrong

9. The text is written as
c: a biography correct

10: At Ravensbruck concentration camp, Violette experienced
a: luxury wrong

11. If Violette had returned from her second mission, she would probably have
c: gone on a third mission correct

12. In Paragraph 2, the pronoun she refers to
a: Violettte correct

Friday, October 25, 2019

Act Two, Scene OneThis scene opens with the words ‘Mislike me not for my complexion’ Why does the Prince think Portia will have a problem with the colour of his skin?
What must Portia’s suitors give up if they try and fail to win her? ‘You must take your chance, and either not attempt to choose at all, or swear before you choose, if you choose wrong never to speak to a lady afterward in way of marriage A2S1 Line 37-42 (Black P.41)
Portia tells the Prince of Morocco- ‘Yourself, renowned prince, then stood as fair as any comer I have looked on yet for my affection’ What does this mean? (if you’re unsure check sparknotes translation)
Shylock practices ‘usury’. Explain this in your own words? 
Why do Shylock and Antonio hate each other?-

Finding the meanings for: Venture, Vessel, Signior, Mortifying, Profound,Exhortation, Virtuous, Squandered.
Venture - a risky or daring journey or undertaking
Vessel - a ship or large boat
Signior - an Italian  man usually of rank or gentility
Mortifying - Causing great embarrassment or shame
Profound - Very great or intense
Exhortation - And address or communication emphatically urging someone to do something
Virtuous - having or showing high moral standards
Squandered - an opportunity to pass or bet

  • This story is set in Italy in the cities of Venice and Belmont. Create a digital guide of the cities. Make sure to give interesting facts about the locations, places to see and things to do.

  • Venice. Rising like a magical city from the waters, Venice is an other-worldly kind of place, an impossible beauty.
  • Padua. Padua is often overlooked as a destination, which is a shame as it is a vibrant art city.

Verona is a city in northern Italy’s Veneto region, with a medieval old town built between the meandering Adige River. It’s famous for being the setting of Shakespeare’s "Romeo and Juliet. A 14th-century residence with a tiny balcony overlooking a courtyard is said be Juliet’s House.

Image result for verona

Image result for venice

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Last Weeks Practical: Home Ec

In home economics we had our practical last Thursday. The first thing the groups did was filled a pot half full and we waited for it to boil to be hot. After the water boiled we put the pasta into the boiling water, and we had to boil it for 8 to 10 minutes.

We then got Roux sauce/ White sauce.
We made the roux sauce so the pasta would have a taste and wouldn't be plain. Here is a couple of

things we had to use to make it with
Cornflour, Butter, Milk, Those were the main ingredients we used, but we also used Onions and garlic for bit of spice to have a good taste.

One more thing that we had to do was pasta was in the tray we put some cheese on it to melt and it went straight in the oven.
I think our group didn't do really well considering the cooking task we had wasn't hard it was a basic home meal that looked easy but didn't turn well in our groups.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Act One, Scene Three:Shylock is a moneylender. ‘Three thousand ducats for three months, and Antonio bound...I think I may take his bond(Black P.27) Do you think Shylock is happy to lend Bassanio money? How do you know? Nope he sounds guilty and annoyed that he has to lend Bassanio money.Which does Shylock think is safer, his money lending business or Antonio’s shipping business? Why? He thinks it will be safer lending his money business to Antonio because he thinks he can trust him.Why doesn’t Shylock want to dine with Bassanio and Antonio? ‘Yes to smell pork, to eat of the habitation which your people the Nazarite conjured the devil into’ (Black P.29)Finish this quote that tells how Antonio is breaking his principal of not taking money lent with interest. ‘Methought you said you neither lend nor borrow upon advantage (Black P.31)Shylock accuses Antonio of a whole lot of nastiness. How does Antonio react? (Black P.35)Why doesn’t Bassanio want Antonio to agree to the bond?

Monday, October 21, 2019

How guitars work

Turquoise 3

1. The strings, when being held in tension are? A Stretched. Correct

2. What causes something to produce sound waves? C Vibrations. Correct

3. Which sentence best describes how a guitar and a person are similar? C They both need strings, sound and frets to make music. Wrong answer

4. What helps the vibrating guitar strings produce a louder sound? A Sound hole and body hole. Correct

5. What determines the sound the strings make? A The weight, tension and length of the strings. Correct

6. Which of these objects has a similar shape to an acoustic guitar body? C Hourglass. Correct

7. Which part of an acoustic guitar actually produces a sound? B The strings. Correct

8. What would you find inside the body of a guitar? B Air. Correct

9. Which paragraph describes how to change the sound of the strings on a guitar? C Paragraph 4. Correct

10. If a guitar had no body, what volume of sound would the strings make? B quiet sound. Correct

11. Which two guitar parts cause the strings to have tension? A bridge and tunning pegs. Correct

12. The pronoun them in paragraph 3 refers to: C The vibrations. Correct
SDL Reflection & Goal

A goal i need to work on is finishing my work and getting my license up to full or expert.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Act One, Scene Two:
  1. How do Portia’s first words compare with Antonio’s? one is sad and scared at the same time to lose its sail from stop sailing, another ones scared and sad because portia thinks shes gonna Mary a guy that is a idiot.

Antonio- In sooth, I know not why I am so sad
Portia- By my troth Nerissa, my little body is aweary of this great world

  1. Why is Portia unhappy? Because she really thinks she is gonna go Mary a guy thats a idiot and not worth it.
  2. Do you think Nerissa talking with Portia about her options is a helpful, why? No nerrisa is making Portia sad talking about the stuff that's happening.
  3. What does Portia’s think of her suitors so far? Guilty, that Nerrisa is making her sad and feeling sorry for her

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


played by men/men have wigs & perform as girls
no sets

1. Antonio is depressed without knowing why. His friends suggest the two reasons. And not believe          me straight of dangerous rocks, which touching but my g       v          side would scatter all her s       on the stream (Black P.5
Why then, y   are in l     (Black
2. What do you think of Bassanio? i think is just a bit of waste of time not paying the money back
3. Is he in love? Yes he is in love with the girl he likes and he is sad he doesn't have lots of money and all the other boys around her have more money then him
4. Why does he need to borrow money?  To pay someone back, and he also wants a lot more money then the boys that like the girl, he needs to get more money so she might like him.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Parts of a Microscope and jobs they do

Parts of the microscope: A coarse focus knob: Winds stage up & down. Fine focus knob: Helps  movement. Stage: Holds parts together. Stage clip: Helps keep it still. Eye-piece lens: look through.

movement and this is what the microscope slightly looked like when we had to name the parts of it.
Image result for labeled parts of a microscope

Parts of a Cell and Organelles

What the organelles do: Cells are made up of different parts, called organelles (meaning small organs). it is easier to see the major organelles using simplified diagrams.

Plant Cell: Plant cells have a regular, box-like shape.

Animal cell: Viewed with a microscope, Animal cells usually have irregular shape.

Organelles found in plant cells, but not animal cells: Chloroplast and cell wall.

An organelle is a tiny cellular structure that performs specific functions within a cell. Organelles are embedded within the cytoplasm of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.

The cell (from Latin cella, meaning "small room") is the basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known organisms.

Image result for organelles

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Maths project

Yesterday the school has moved into the new buildings. They finished the buildings of ready for kids to work in them. They still have to do some more work to our school but it wont effect our learning.

I am here to talk to you about how i want my maths classroom to look like when we are learning and working. So our teacher has asked us how we wanna set out the classroom and rearrange it so the students have gotten a piece of paper and drawn a outline of what they want it to look like. We got on with the task from looking up on google how to set up a classroom, and then we looked at a couple of photos of how they set up some of their classes and then we draw what we wanted our classroom to look like. 

Final idea: When we have all looked at a way to set out our class room we will probably all set it out the way we think it would look good and makes our learning on focus.

Overall i thought this project was good and is looking nice the way people are wanting to set out our classroom. I think our learning will change and we will be able to get more work done and finish off work in this area & space.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

I learnt that having money is a really good good good thing, because if you were to be homeless you wouldn't have much clothes and would have to sleep outside.