
Wednesday, June 26, 2019

calculate squares on a grid

From the last couple of days Mr Rees has told us to work out how many squares on the outside of the grid
In maths we had to answer a 10 by 10 grid and show the theory of what we have done and learnt
We have answered 2 ways of how we could figure it out

Here is a way of how we answered

we answered one question like this 10-2 + 10=2 + 10-2 + 10-2, the answer in mathematical would just be n + n-2 + n-2 + n + n-2

This is another n question we did 10+8 + 10+8= 36 in mathematical way it would be n+n+2+n+n+n+2, we had to count up the how many squares are around the outside of the square, And we have tried to figure out the answer.

10 - 1 + 10 - 1 + 10  - 1 + 10 - 1 The answer in mathematical is n-1 + n-1 + n-1 + n-1

does this make sense to you's so far? if it doesn't please tell me what i could fix and you could give me (feedback) on what i should do next thank you!!

  here is the 10 by 10 grid

Monday, June 24, 2019

SEXXXY Paragraph

- other world
- Wybie other
- cant talk
- mother + Coraline going into house, just seen mouse circus
- POV other mother, wants him to smile
- Wybie is unhappy
- warm lightImage result for wybie
- high angle, make the subject vulnerable  (wybie) + the pov dominant + (other mother)
- dark colours but bright because Coraline doesn't know this yer
- facial expression, - sad because his mouth has gone down  & his eyebrows are arched in fear.

In the film Coraline high angle shots were used effectively to establish a characters position of power. This is demonstrated in the scene where Coraline and Wybie return from visiting their neighbours. A high angle shot from the POV of the other mother looking down the stairs towards Wybie makes him look vulnerable. This  makes us understand that the other mother has all the power and might not be as kind as Coraline thinks at this point. The purpose of this is to show a character who is unhappy in the other world and foreshadow the horrific turn of events later in the story. Combined with the use of facial expressions, Wybies mouth is frowning and his eyebrows are arched in fear, the idea of being vulnerable is enhanced. This aspect can 'be comprared to coralines battle with the other mother at the end of the film where we see the true evil nature of the beldam.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Things i could change about my 3D design?

1 thing i could change is by putting my name on my design to show who it belongs too and to represent my Maori culture. I could try to change the color to like Maori green color, and i think it would make my design better if i tried to put my name and my Maori name underneath my English name. That's what i have thinked of changing on my design but im happy with what my design looks like now but if i had to make changes i could put my name and Maori name too. The stuff i do wanna change, i will have to do it another time 

Characters strengths

Challenges chart Coraline

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

How to setup a 3D printer

How to work the 3D printer

1. Turn the printer on
2. Open up the computer/pc
3. Make sure the 3d printer is on
4. Copy your tinker cad design
5. Go to the home screen and open up Up Studio
6. Set up the settings and it should be all ready to be printed out
7. If you don't know how to set up the settings then get someone you know how to set it up

Friday, June 14, 2019

  • How does the director use costume to create the other mother?

  • How do colour and lighting affect our view of the other mother?

  • ‘It’s easier to catch flies with honey than with vinegar’- how does the other mother embody this saying?
he uses the costume from going nice to bad and while coraline makes her mad, She transform into something like a beetle and then at the very end her hands look like spiders.

Coraline: Creating the illusion of the other mother

How does the director use costume to create the other mother?
How do colour and lighting affect our view of the others mother?
Its easier to catch flies with honey than with vinegar' - how does the other mother embody this saying

* Hands change
*Edges sharper
* Gets taller
* Changes every time we see her gradual
* Clothes change

How does the director use costume to create the other mother? 

Other mother 1.
1. What her Real/mum wears.
* Comfortable "mum" clothes
* - hint of red
* Rounder, curves, warm

Other mother 2.
2. Darker clothes - red, purple, black,
- Bit taller
- Heads less round
- Subtitle change

Other mother 3. 
- Proportions changing
- More skin - short sleeves & dress
- Red/black
- Dress is sharp & stiff, fits her better & shows her shape
- layers of dress like a beetle 

Other mother 4. 
Hair pointy
- All black excepted shoes
- Skinnier and taller
- Long neck
- Doesn't look like the real mother

Other mother 5. 
Not motherly anymore
No nose, no skin - skeletal
- Many legs like a spider
- Clothes are barely there and all ripped
- Very sharp - then how how thin she is, how pointed her joints are, use of metal/needle fingers
Old light, green filter

The directer effectively uses the costume to create the other mother. At the start she is dressed like a normal mother. She is wearing a white long sleeved turtle neck, black leggings and new shoes. This gradually changes over the course of the film. Her head becomes less round and more pointy, her clothes become darker and expose more skin. By the end of the film her costume is more spider like. Her body is a metal skeleton with lots of sharp angles and her clothes are black rags. The director has done this to show us what the other mother is evil and that her looks were deceiving

Colour and lighting are important in creating the other mother. When we first see her its a warm lighting with shades of yellow and orange this makes the viewer feel happy and safe. By the end of the film scenes with the other mother are dimly lit with a cold light and green and black colour palette. This is because she has turned into her real self, a deman - like spider who is evil and tries to steal childrens souls through their eyes

Prime minister
The prime minister is the head of the cabinet, The prime minister is usually the leader of the part with the most seats in Parliament, cabinet ministers running government departments.
Cabinet minister
Cabinet Minister are responsible for running government department they have the main say in what the government says
Head of state
Queen Elizabeth signing of laws
Governor - General
The Governor-General represents the queen

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

This is a blog post about my name age and where i live, this is what i have done in my Japanese exercise book.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

What types of colours are used in each world                                         

The real world

The dad in the real world
Dad (Reg) hard at work, not happy miserable. coraline is an interruption


Other world
Reds/Orange - Palette
Dad in the other world, is happily practising piano waiting for coraline


Creates a mood of sadness
Not exciting colours
Combined with a dull cool light it makes the scene sad and depressing.

3 - If the colour palette was reversed then the real world would feel warm and the other world would feel old.

The director uses this colour palette to reflect coralines feelings towards a place. When the blue/grey palette is used she feel lonely and unhappy in the place. If it is orange and red she is happy there.

1. Colours are gloomy, dark and washed out. The predominant colour used in this palette is grey because it creates an atmosphere of sadness and boredom. The director has done this to help the viewer empathise with coraline in her real world where she feels ignored.

2. Colours in the other world palette are bright, radiant and vivid. The predominant colours used are shades of orange and red which create a mood of excitement. This is done to re-enforce the idea that coraline is wanted in the other world. It is a wondrous place for her to be.

3. Colours in the scenes with the evil other mother are Drill thrilling satisfying and Exciting
What type of government does New Zealand have? Democracy

How often does New Zealand hold a election New Zealand holds an election every 3 years and 2 months

Who is the current head of the state? Queen Elizabeth

Who represents this person in New Zealand, Dame patsy reddy

Monday, June 10, 2019

Thinking of dolls?
Thinking of something scary is about to happen
Thinking of the voice how it changes from loud to whispering
Sounds like music from home
The music gets louder and softer
Lolly bye song

Making me think of dolls or something scary
Something happening in the movie is about to be scary
Very high pitch voices, and slow tone
You can hear 2 voices at once a girl and a boy very high tones
You can hear women and men and children

The music is now making the movie a bit scarier
Since you can see pictures the song is really suiting the pictures
The lolly bye music is telling us the mum is lovely and kind but the creepy noises make it creepy and a bit scary

Circus,  Very Squeaky, Different instruments

How does the music enhance the story
The music at the start sounds like your about to watch a scary movie

Friday, June 7, 2019

Tinkercad design steps

Steps of how i made my 3D design on tinker cad

 Create a model by manipulating basic shapes, importing, or tinker an existing model shared from another designer. Once you have your model ready to print, click Export > 3D Print > Maker Bot. After that you will need to go back to the home screen and you will see a app called UPstudio and you will need to click on the app and open it, and you will need to copy your link so you can start printing. Then it will print the rest of your design but it could take upto any time if your printing a big design It could takes hours, If you were printing a small design it could take 1 hour, or It could take minutes too. When my design finished i took a photo and we all had to make a blog post of how me made it, and what was the outcome like. I took photos of my piece of 3D design and posted it on my blog to show what i made. So far everyone has finished their 3D designs but some of the people have gone back and had a 2nd try at making their 3D design. So far my design is good and i don't want to change anything i have done on my design, accept for me putting my name on my 3D design. Everything so far has been done good, i have taken some photos of my 3D design and posted it up on my blog,

Image result for Tinkercad

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Lighting is used in this shot to make the house feel cold old and run down. This is done by using a cool white light coming into the room from a cloudy window. The director has used this lighting to enhance the idea that coralines life at home is dull and boring and she is unhappy there it also provides contrast to the other world which is bright & warmly lit.

Lighting is used in this shot to make it look like coraline is happier & joyful living with her normal mum & dad

This is done by using a warm yellow light from the light bulb

Why i think the director lighted the scene this way? i think the director lighted the scene this way because It makes it like coraline feels safe & comfortable and The mother is basically Catching her to make coraline like her more and to love the other mother more.