
Monday, June 29, 2020

DTE: making a app & game development using

Blog post for DTE, Making a app: In DTE this term we have had a lot of time to make a game term 1 and term 2 lessons was to learning to develop a app that was quite hard to use. In the last 6 weeks we have had a lot of time to develop a app using the, I had a task to do and my group choose a game to do and we choose Fortnite.

This term had been fun in DTE making the app to develop for people to use it and try it, also this term helped me a lot with the gaming part and graphics of the meanings of games behind how they create them. I really liked the experience of doing this in DTE making a app using the was quite interesting and hard.

Monday, June 15, 2020

This week in English we have been learning about camera shots in groups

Facial expression of Geel Piet, Geel Piet is getting beaten by the sergeant. Explanation of Director’s purpose, To show how the two feels. Explanation of effect on audience, Audience feel scared for Geel Piet. Your link to wider world, rest of film, self It links when Geel Piet is eating poop.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Universal indicator & Neutralisation exception

- The first experiment we did was when cut beetroot up in halves and the target was to make a indicator with beetroot and cranberry. So we either choose beetroot or cranberry and i used beetroot so we cut the beetroot up and boiled up the water ready to put the beetroot in the cup.

Experiment 2 - Today in science we done another quick small experiment was to use the acid hydrochloric and we used that acid for to make the water turn red. their was also the sodium hydroxide and we used that to try and change the colour to blue or to get a yellow colour. We ended up getting the colours of light blue dark blue purple and red and a bit of orange.

Here are some photos -