
Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Social studies

 3 Interesting things I have learnt about Santa Claus: 

1. Saint Nicholas day is 6 of December

2. His sleigh is probably the fastest thing ever made

3.  He's only worn red since he started shilling for Coca-cola

Monday, December 7, 2020

Health Assesment:

 In Health this term I was set to create and explain why gaming can affect your mind & body. 

My success criteria were to make sure I stated all the reasons why gaming can affect the mind and brain of yours, and what it does to your body mentally.

The topic I choose was to explain why gaming can affect your mind & body. I choose this because I do game a lot so I thought it would be a good idea why I could name reasons why I should stop gaming as much cause it can affect your mind & Hauora.

First, we had to write down these answers to questions, Why it affects, What it does to you, And who it affects. And we had our 5 big questions to answer after we finished the who, what, and why.

Once we had our 5 big questions we had to display answers to show how, why, and what it does to you, how it affects you, and what it does to you. I finished off with 3 big questions and they were, What, how, and why.

From there we had to answer the 5 big questions and tell information about what it does to your mind and body and why it affects your mind & body.

I choose to make a Kahoot of 10 questions about why gaming can affect your mind & body.

I choose to create a Kahoot cause it was easy, and so I could write questions

I have learned that these questions as to why gaming can affect your mind and body are important, cause it can change you as a person, as when you go out in public you won't be the same around people and will be changed into a quiet person from gaming too much. Helpful stuff you could do if you really like gaming, you need to go outside and enjoy the free life we have outside.

A thing that was difficult as there was not much information saying why it affects your brain, but a lot of information on the effect on the body.

I coped with getting my brain working for the difficulty of finding information on why it affects your brain, so I thought it could stuff up your brain regions inside and you're responsible for it.

I think I worked well, including my pair not being here for a while trying to complete the task set and to create a Kahoot as well.

Next time I would pick another topic that is more interesting than this and has a lot more information on what the topic is about, and will find it interesting.

                                                              5 Big Questions

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Experiment: House Fires and Fire Safety

  •  How can bush fires start: The sun could attract the trees and cause the wood to start burning. Also, someone could throw away a cigarette that they didn't finish would start burning a tree and then could cause a big fire.
  • What are the three ways you could fireproof your house? 
  • Protect your windows
  • Limit proof combustibility
  • Using a metal frame instead of a wooden frame
  • When something burns its combusts, what is the difference between complete and incomplete combustion? When a fuel undergoes complete combustion, it releases the maximum amount of energy.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Persuasive writing: Write that essay card

Animal testing

Adverb sentence: or a start, If animals were used for vaccines that are for safety reasons for humans to use, I would go with it because of the safety reasons for humans to live and be safe around the community. It could save a life using a vaccine on an animal getting results to use the vaccine on a human. But also I think it should be certain animals that people don't own like rats, mice, any other animals that might be a pest or people don't like.

The W start sentence: While I can understand the animals may get hurt, it can save a human's life by testing the animal first to make sure it is okay to use the vaccine on a human.

The semicolon: I think everyone will be safe from being sick and getting viruses if the animals get tested before testing a human first that could get affected badly.

Very short sentence: Think about whose lives you could save from testing this on an animal.

Thursday, November 12, 2020


This week in Business studies, we have been working on budgeting and I have made a Prezi show how far I have got with these terms learning. 

Reflection: I am reflecting on Stages of budgeting, Consequences, and the importance of budgeting.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Impulse Buying

 Introduction: This is a Brochure that shows what impulse buying is about, and why people need to impulse buy.

Digital Learning Outcome: We are learning to know about budgeting and if we need to impulse buy when we go to supermarkets.

  • Aim: Was to make a volcano and erupt the volcano. Then we had to paint over the volcano to give it a good design on it. And the aim is to try to make a big eruption of this volcano design.
  • Hypothesis: I predict the volcano to erupt of what kind of stuff we put into the volcano to erupt it. Adding the equal amount of vinegar and baking soda will make a better eruption and the ratio of the amount we used of the vinegar and baking soda.

  • Equipment: Volcano, Baking soda, Food coloring,

  • Method: Adding the vinegar, & a couple of drops of food coloring and some dish soap, also baking soda and adding an equal amount of vinegar and baking soda will have a good ratio of both. 

  • What will I do to ensure our volcano eruption: Step 1 taking the lid off then adding half of the vinegar. Step 2 add the other half of baking soda to mix it with the vinegar. Add dish soap to make the eruption even better.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Banking crossword

 This is a Banking crossword of how banking works and what starter bank account you open up

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The novel of children of B&B by Tomi Adeymi is about a young girl that has powers and is going on a adventure with friends and trying to keep the magic alive. 

 In this text, the relationship between Amari and Inan helped me understand the character of Amari

This is because it showed me Amari how amari changed from when they were younger to now how they had really good memories when they got forced to fight and had a really good bond, then they start to fall apart near the end of the story, and Amari is always gonna be forgiving and will believe in Inan. 

Essay Writing Practice: SEXXYY Body Paragraphs

 eywords from the question have been highlighted for you.


Example/Evidence (include a quote)

EXplain quote

EXplain Effect on the Reader

Your link -- to another part of the text

Your link -- to the wider world

The incident of saran helped me to understand the important idea of  Prejudice Because it showed me how far king saran would go to tourture & zellie just because she is different to him.

We see this in the text when king saran helps to

Saran says i admire your defiant child. It's impressive you've made it this far. But i wouldn't be during my job asking if i didn't remind you what you are.

This means that king saran is helping to admire saran what the child is doing and saran abusing his power and taking out his anger on her because of what happened to the family.

This made the reader feel quite bad for zelie because of saran abusing her powers.

It reminded me of another important part in the book because when saran kills amaris friend, called birta, this also shows the idea of.

In the real world, this idea is important because this is important to the wider world because of how you understand the real life story part of this,

Another way the incident of saran cutting the word maggot helped me to understand the important idea from the other perspective was because it shows us how vulnerable and helpless zelie is when saran is torturing her.

We see this in the text when...

This means that…

This made the reader feel________ because _________.

It reminded me of another important part in the book when __________, because this also shows the idea of __________.

In the real world, this idea is important because ___________.

Monday, October 19, 2020

 Ko Aoraki tōku maunga 

Ko Otakaro tōku awa

Ko Moriori tōku waka

Ko Ngai tahu- tōku iwi

Ko a division of maori people-  tōku hapu

Ko  Kopinga marae tōku marae

Koōku kura

Ko  10Ay  tōku akomanga  (class)

No Otautahi ōku whānau    ( My family is from Otautahi)

Kei ahau e noho ana     (I live in  Otautahi)

Ko  lewis  tōku koro  (grandfather)  

Ko Eileen tōku kui  (grandmother)

Ko  yuri tōku matua

Ko  renee tōku whāea

Ko Isaac tōku tuākana    (older brother of a male, or older sister of a female)

Ko Mya taku teina        (younger brother of a male, or younger sister of a female)

Ko Hamilton  tōku ingoa whānau  (family name)

Nō reira, tēna koutou, tēna koutou, tēna koutou katoa.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

 Blog post: Business studies day & market day

Three things that went well: 1 thing that went very well was we had a good lot of fries at the start but until a lot of people started lining up we were about to sell out so we didn't use all the cups but we did sell out of fries. Another strength was that everyone that had our fries came back and said our fries were really good, so we had good feedback from people that bought our fries.

A couple things that didn't work well was it was quite squashy where we had to squash in where all the plug cables were and the group next to us plugged keeped on coming out and we had to reset the whole plug cable. So we thought it would turn the deep fryer of but lucky it didn't. 

Three changes that could improve

Monday, September 21, 2020

 Chapter 66 – Inan

Father stands in his night robes, scanning a faded map. No sign of hatred. Not

even a hint of disgust.

For him, carving MAGGOT into a girl’s back is just another day’s work.

In that instant it hits me: Zulaikha’s death. Zélie’s screams. They don’t mean a

thing to him. Because they’re maji, they’re nothing.

This could be compared to / A message I take from this scene is

Think about how the word ‘maggot’ is used. This is a slur. Do we have these in real life?

This could be compared to something into real life as selfish and the work he does for them, like in real life the father does a lot for them and the family of zulaikhas death isn't meaning nothing.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

  • Post a photo of your groups section of the machine
  • List the material used
  • Explain the simple machines that make up the components of the Rube Goldberg

2. Paper, roll, tape, cup, Lego
3. The Rube Goldberg, using levers, rolling balls, tubes, rolling ramps.

  Chapter 59-Zelie

“How will me coming back to Lagos solve any of that?” I ask. “As we speak,
your father calls for my head!”
“My father’s scared.” Inan shakes his head. “He’s misguided, but his fear is

justified. All the monarchy’s ever seen is the destruction maji can bring.
They’ve never experienced anything like this.” He gestures to the camp, face
alight with so much hope his smile practically glows in the darkness. “Zulaikha
created this in one moon, and there are already more diviners in Lagos than
anywhere else in Orïsha. Just imagine what we could accomplish with the
resources of the monarchy behind us.”
This could be compared to / A message I take from this scene is

It could be related to something like inan and father that the fathers scared, and they need help but if this was related to something in real life i could say my father needs help because of what there facing, and what could happen is something they haven't experienced.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

 Chapter 56 – Zélie

We zip through the crowd while celebrants thrust and shimmy by our sides.

Though part of me wants to cry, I crane my neck to take in the crowd, craving

their joy, their life.

The children of Orïsha dance like there’s no tomorrow, each step praising the

gods. Their mouths glorify the rapture of liberation, their hearts sing the

Yoruba songs of freedom. My ears dance at the words of my language, words I

once thought I’d never hear outside my head. They seem to light up the air

with their delight.

It’s like the whole world can breathe again.

This could be compared to / A message I take from this scene is

The part i could compare this to real life is when it is different country's language week, and how she using her language and it could be a celebration of there language, and songs of what country they're from and what they like to hear. It comes to mind when they're using there voice as how there language could be important and the ways she singing the song. This is connected to the book because in different country's there are different cultures languages that pops up in the year like Samoan, Maori, Tongan.

Friday, September 11, 2020

 Technology and change essay:

In social studies iv'e been learning about the 21st century technology and changes.  I am gonna show you what i have done through my essay and what type of technology has changed from evolution from 1990s to the 2000s. 


Technology and Change Essay 

Using the information you have gathered on your technology period you are to write a structured essay explaining it.

Question: Explain a technology period you have studied and what some of the important inventions were in this period.

Use the Lawyer paragraph to explain this.

Paragraph 1: Introduction.

Re-state what the question is in a paragraph

During the 21 Century period in history there were some significant technological advancements. Some of the inventions during this were the introduction of 5-G Wifi, and the introduction of self driven cars such as teslas, phones and different modern advancements. These inventions are widely used today.

Paragraph 2: Invention 1 explained

State what the invention is, what it does and how far it has come up until today

21st century phone inventions from 2000s to now

A significant phone that was invented in the 2020 into the future was the new phones. What impact have they had? To change the future of how to talk to people in different ways and get to places.

give us some facts - newest generation phones are for the best of using social media and for doing different things that are useful today, but weren't useful back in the 1990s to 2000s. This is important for old people and young people because it is not hard to use the technology these days and everything seems to be much faster, easier, and better.

Paragraph 3: Invention 2 explained

State what the invention is, the generations of xbox and playstation has changed the way people have gathered round in the house and what they do. Newest consoles from 2000s

Xboxs & Playstation - Xbox has had a lot of new generations from 2001 to 2020, the first xbox that was made was from 2001 it was an original xbox that was black and green. Then the 2020 xbox that is being made is the xbox series x is the newest xbox that is being made right now and will be released in christmas time this year and also the new ps5 that will be releasing in christmas time. The ps5 is the newest generation, and the oldest playstation was from 1994, and from then the newest generation has been easier to use and better for people.

Paragraph 4: Invention 3 explained

State what the invention is, what it does and how far it has come up until today

5-G wifi connections and how it is faster. The 5-G wifi is one of the newest generations of wifis, it is really fast and can also hurt people's brains of how fast things load and how they use the internet with 5-G.

Paragraph 5: Conclusion

Go over the points you have just made above

In conclusion during the twenty first century  the internet, phones, and basically what people that use this year and from years ago, and what has been invented since very long ago and how things go in 2020 right now. They are rapidly changing the technology from time to time, there's a lot of changes from the olden days to now.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

 “Your people, your guards. They’re nothing more than killers, rapists and

thieves. The only difference between them and criminals is the uniforms they


This could be compared to / A message I take from this scene is

Sometimes there are cops that kill innocent people who the cops thinks are criminals but the cops are doing something just as bad.

“I won’t let your father get away with what he’s done. I won’t let your

ignorance silence my pain”

With that, she disappears. Her quiet footsteps fade into the silence.

In that moment I realise how wrong I’ve truly been.

It doesn’t matter if I’m in her head.

I’ll never understand her pain.

This could be compared to / A message I take from this scene is

Hate towards the father, and what hes done has, but in the real world i would be feeling pain with what she did in this problem, if this had to relate to something in real life it could be that there father done something very bad and wrong that made them upset and no forgivness.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Now it takes everything to gain control. No matter how hard I fight, the risk of

feeling Zélie’s pain lingers. A constant and growing threat.

This could be compared to / A message I take from this scene is

(Why is thinking about the truth a “threat”?)

Inan trying to get in control of how he feels, but from the truth she feels like she doesn't belong with the magic and getting told the truth hurts

Thursday, August 13, 2020


 In maths this term we have been learning about money, prices, cheaper and financial literacy. Every Monday Tuesday Wednesday we get straight on with the financial literacy work and the money deals. On Thursday we do mathletics and blog posts. That's so far all the things we have been doing this week and from the start of the term, and we also did algebra in this term.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Business studies

Business studies product: The product i am selling on the day is fries. My company is gonna be cooking up some good fries for the day to sell for either $2.50 or $3.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

 Chapter 13 - Zélie

  I turn back toward Amari and try to let it go. But in her eyes, I see her brother’s. I feel his hands choking me.
“I want to trust her—”
“No, you don’t.”
“Well, even if I did, I can’t. Her father ordered the Raid. Her brother burned down our village. What makes you think she’s any different?”
This could be compared to a scene i take from chapter 13.
I'm wondering about why amaris dad let her fight her brother, cause the dad is letting amari get smashed and quite hurt. The way i see what is happening is that the dad isn't being that smart letting amari fight him. This could remind me of something like my sister and me fighting from being annoying and her always being a sook.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Volleyball reflection: In PE lately we have been using teamwork in volleyball with a different class. We are getting better using teamwork through different skill levels from where we are at. For my skill i think i'm a average volleyball player and i have been achieving on being good while playing. The level i'm at is around level 3 i have uniform, Chromebook, and also on task doing the right stuff when i'm meant to. I am really on task with what work i have and what i do in PE, and how i go when they set a task.

Monday, July 27, 2020

“It’s a diviner tax.” I grip the draped fabric of my pants, still haunted by the guard’s touch. “They came for Mama Agba, too. Probably hitting every home in Ilorin.”
  Tzain presses his fists to his forehead as if he could smash through his own skull. He wants to believe that playing by the monarchy’s rules will keep us safe, but nothing can protect us when those rules are rooted in hate. 

This could be compared to / A message I take from this scene is. As a message from me i could say be in real life this could be a massive worry its like the power of one story of how racism works. Not treating the black people right and they don't think their safe as they are also following rules that hated and dangerous cause its harming them and they need to speak up and say something to make sure they are safe and equal with each other.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Business studies

First lesson in Business studies: Me Zapa and Ace were a good team, we used great team work with each other i think we will work well together and get a lot of work done by the time the term finishes.

Monday, June 29, 2020

DTE: making a app & game development using

Blog post for DTE, Making a app: In DTE this term we have had a lot of time to make a game term 1 and term 2 lessons was to learning to develop a app that was quite hard to use. In the last 6 weeks we have had a lot of time to develop a app using the, I had a task to do and my group choose a game to do and we choose Fortnite.

This term had been fun in DTE making the app to develop for people to use it and try it, also this term helped me a lot with the gaming part and graphics of the meanings of games behind how they create them. I really liked the experience of doing this in DTE making a app using the was quite interesting and hard.

Monday, June 15, 2020

This week in English we have been learning about camera shots in groups

Facial expression of Geel Piet, Geel Piet is getting beaten by the sergeant. Explanation of Director’s purpose, To show how the two feels. Explanation of effect on audience, Audience feel scared for Geel Piet. Your link to wider world, rest of film, self It links when Geel Piet is eating poop.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Universal indicator & Neutralisation exception

- The first experiment we did was when cut beetroot up in halves and the target was to make a indicator with beetroot and cranberry. So we either choose beetroot or cranberry and i used beetroot so we cut the beetroot up and boiled up the water ready to put the beetroot in the cup.

Experiment 2 - Today in science we done another quick small experiment was to use the acid hydrochloric and we used that acid for to make the water turn red. their was also the sodium hydroxide and we used that to try and change the colour to blue or to get a yellow colour. We ended up getting the colours of light blue dark blue purple and red and a bit of orange.

Here are some photos - 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

30 m sprint - in the 30 metre sprint i had 5 seconds and i thought that wasn't quite bad for first try and it was quite easy.

The sit and reach was also quite easy i reached about 4 cm and it was quite easy.

One goal im trying to focus on is getting my push ups good like i was before we went in to lock down , so my goal is to be able to do 25 push ups everyday after school and might help my fitness a lot to.

Friday, May 22, 2020

What we attempted: To make crystals from the experiment we tried to do

what happen? We boiled it to make it be hot and the water turned brown from the chemicals we had in it.

what should it cook like? It should cook like it is boiling a egg but your just boiling the water in the

what could we change/try Maybe try and take away less measurements and see what happens that time.

A couple of steps we did? we first set up the stuff we needed, we got the chemicals, we had our stuff setup and we turned the gas on and the water was boiling the beaker water and it turned brown.
What did I like about learning from home? How could we possibly incorporate this at school

I liked when my house was quite quiet cause in school it gets too noisy and you can't focus properly.

What did you not like about learning from home?  That we didn't get to see our friends and  didn't get to go anyway except staying home.

What do you like about learning at school? That we get more time to sleep and that the house is quieter and easy to focus.

What do you not like about learning at school? That the noise gets a bit loud sometimes and people are unfocused.

When you are at school in classes, what percentage of the time would you say you are truly engaged? Paying attention & actively learning? For me i get distracted easy so about 55-60% but I can do as much work as i can without getting distracted only sometimes. I normally always pay attention to the teachers and make eye contact to show i'm not distracted.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

How are your feelings about being back? Feeling good to reopen the school and get to see all my friends and get back to doing a lot of work.

One thing i did for exercise was play basketball outside and basically just that.

Any work completed for PE? No because i didnt have enough help and didnt really know much

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Science: kiwi fruit DNA

Aim: the aim was too extract the kiwi fruit DNA and looking at what it turned out after

Methods: the method was to put the kiwi fruit in the tiny bowl and we used a pestle to squish the kiwi fruit and get the liquid out of it then put the juice of it into the plastic bag and squish as much as we could. We used the ethanol salt and detergent to test the DNA

results: The results turned out pretty good the colour of the outcome was green and it was extracting the ethanol and salt and it looked like someones DNA

Image result for kiwi dna

Thursday, March 12, 2020



What is vaping? it is pretty much inhaling smoke but just not the same taste as a cigarette
and also young people around 17 18 it is less harmful for them to smoke a vape then cigarette. Vaping is the act of inhaling and exhaling the aerosol, often referred to as vapour, which is produced by an e-cigarette or similar device. 

Image result for vaping vs smoking

Monday, March 9, 2020

Athletics day recap

What i didn't like about athletics day was i done social instead of competitive cause i wasn't feeling competitive this year but next year i surely will be doing competitive. The results of my stuff was 1.40 for high jump and 5.5 for long jump and for 100m sprints i got 13 seconds

Friday, March 6, 2020

Similes and metaphors

What is metaphor in my own words

A speech or a phrase

What is simile in my own words

Something that involves another thing but different kind

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


What does it mean to be a good mathematician

in my opinion what if means to be a good mathematician is being really smart and on track with the maths, and to know if your a teacher that teaching maths you have to make sure you are correctly knowing what you are teaching. Knowing if someone is smart at other subjects, they would also have to be a good maths person with knowledge. So every teacher that teaches other subjects are a good mathematician and maths.