
Monday, November 27, 2017

Week: 3

  • What did you achieve today?
  • nearly half way towards finishing

  • What do you want to focus on for next lesson?
  • focus on finishing my PS,4 controller in time and do the background in time

  • What CARR Values have you displayed in this lesson?
  • Achieved because going good so far 2 more days until we finish our arts Kete and taking my time to finish off

My Progress so far:

Harry turns bad on parents

Harry turns bad on parents

On a one horrorful afternoon Something bad happen to Iris West and Barry Allen. Something they didn’t want so bad to happen, When Iris and Barry returned home something strange happen, Kid flash was the only child sitting down. Harry, the second child wasn't their the naughty one that does not listen to what he gets told when he gets told off he still won’t listen. When Barry and Iris arrived home they were trying to get inside so they could check on the kids if they were alright but when iris went inside she looked around Kid flash was sitting down in his bedroom watching tv iris asked where is harry kid flash said he didn’t know, kid flash told his parents the last place i seen him was in his room.

The next minute they went outside trying to search for harry they went far away from home and they went to jelly park and they seen someone like harry that they thought was harry but it wasn’t then they had a closer look around jelly park because that’s the only closest place from where barry and iris live down.

Iris West is 20 years old she was a good news reporter as well. Iris only liked news reporting about people who are sporty and fast, like barry but when they lost harry iris was gonna quit her job to find harry.
Barry Allen is 21 years old he was fast fit sporty and strong. When harry went missing they didnt wanna stop what they were working, Barry had a hard working job being a bodybuilder and being strong and keeping fit. Iris job wasn’t hard at all but she was a bit to worried about harry running away from home. Being barry allen was good because he was like a hero he saved people's life when they got hurt and he couldn’t stop from being a hero. When they were trying to find harry they thought he might of got taken away somewhere far away they wouldn’t be able to talk to harry or hear from harry again.


Harry has ran away on a sunny dark afternoon. Iris and barry left home to go get tea and do groshies took about 15 minutes to do the groshies and 5 minutes to get tea for harry and kid flash. They didn’t know they were gonna come home to no harry and they bought Kfc for harry so he could go to bed early. Iris first looked inside for harry, they had a look every where around the bedrooms toilets bathroom outside, they even went searching around jellie park. They didn’t have to pay to get into jelly park because they were looking for their kid so they didn’t pay. After that they came out, they said to the managers have you said a kid with dark black brown skin, They said they saw a kid with dark black hair. Then after they couldn't find harry they drove home and lived their lives without harry.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Today in the gym we done gymnastics we went to 4 or 3 rotations we all got a turn at the objects

i learnt to not bend your knees on the spring board
i enjoyed learning new things the whole time

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

PE: Gymnastics

 today in PE i enjoyed trying to do my object i had to flip over the bar and go again.
we all got challenged to do the object to try and learn new things i haven't done. trying new thing were hard i guess because it looked easy but when you tried it was so hard.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

i like gymnastics because you do different activities. you get to go to Rio if your a professional gymnastic.
i want to learn how to jump over the cone and land straight

i enjoyed PE today because we had to get challenged and we got feared or scared of jumping over the cones and landing straight.

Friday, June 23, 2017

persuasive writing band or not

Dear mr sutton

I believe that scooters should be used inside Hornby High School because they mean people are not late to school, they give students something to do that is active and they’re smaller than bikes so it's easier to find somewhere to put them.

Scooters mean that people are not late to school because they are much faster than walking. It saves me five minutes when I scooter to school compared to walking. This is good because I’m at my class on time and my teacher isn’t angry with me.

Scooters give students something to do that is active. I think it is good for students to be scootering instead of playing with chromebooks because it will make them fitter.

Scooters are smaller than bikes and easier to put in gaps and to find somewhere to put them.

2 statement: Something to do: scooters are good for giving kids something to do around hornby high school students. It gives you a break of running everywhere around the school. It stops you from going on chromebooks at break.

3: Late. you should have scooters at school so you're not late to class when the teacher has told you to come back early and you're there early enough from the scooter.

Scooters are good for getting to class earlier, faster. It stops from being bored at home or at school Instead of going on chromebooks.

Paragraph 1. It helps you get to school less late and it will leave you in less trouble instead of being late to class It saves time inside school.  

Paragraph 2. It can give you something to do instead of sitting on chrome books 24/7. It saves you time instead of wasting time on chromebooks all day.

Paragraph 3. Its nice and easy to put away in hard places because they are small to fit in gaps. It can make you less late to class if you can fitn little places in school grounds.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

geosphere: {DRAFT}

(draft) Facts about geosphere: it consist of crust mantle outer core inner core.
It consist hard solid rocks. It consist all sort of rocks. extends up to 25 miles Really hard spiky rocks 150 solid rocks.
The mentor is about 1800 miles thick. The largest layer of earth is the mentor. The outer core is made out of gold lava. The planet is meant to be made out of iron and nickel. The earth

We live on the crust of the earth like pizza crust. It extends up to 50 ,

is the mentor. The outer core is made out of gold lava. geosphere is full of nickel iron and crust. 

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Exploring Blogs

We are learning to create a positive digital footprint.

We often share personal information when we are online. The people we share with could be our friends and family or people we don't know. We need to make smart decisions about what personal information we share online.


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Highlight Trip to Hanmer

As soon as the holidays started I was very excited. We were going to Hamner Springs. we heard the car rumble tumble as we got out of bed.  Mum, dad, my brother, sister and friends all got ready to go to Hamner Springs. First we got all our gear ready to go and we had to put the alarm on in case someone got in our house, my dogs had to stay home for a while. we had a lot of fun driving there and back. First off we got out of the car and got chicken to go over across the road. And we ate it there.

We all zoomed back to the pools to get changed into togs but we had to take them off straight away at the car so we could jump in earlier. we went to the hydro slides and, there was about 5 people to wait for in the line. Then we went in the cold pools and done bombs where is u go on your back and make a big bomb noise and it splashes up in  the air and it is very loud. As soon as we were having fun we were on the hydro slides it was very dark inside the super bowl but when u get out of it is slightly sunny dark. We stayed at hamner for 3 hours, after that we went to a nice restaurant the joyful. What we got from the joyful was chicken corn soup, fried noodles, and sweet and sour pork. We had joyful for my birthday every one, turned up i knew in my family.After we had joyful we went back home, And lucky we got to stay up and play PS4 rugby league live. Me my friend played ps4 NRl he went broncos i went Melbourne storm. We downloaded the 2017 teams so there were more interesting teams warriors,broncos,storm,sharks,titans,knights,bulldogs,roosters,panthers,cowboys,tigers,eels,dragons,rabbitohs,sea eagles,raiders. Then we played against each other first try was scored by billy Slater the goat. After we had a game we turned it off and went to bed and waited for tomorrow to come for some more fun In the morning. We were asleep as soon as that.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

water rockets. science date 13.4.17 motion+ balance//

motion- its a push or pull                                                                motion and balance

gravity-  for an object to remain still there needs he a balance

friction- the rubbing of two object together

1. motion can help u balance on a bike

2. motion help u gravity on a 2 wheeler bike

objects at rest remain at rest objects in motion remain in motion objects in a straight line stays in a straight line

force=mass x acceleration

for every action there is a opposite reaction

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

2017 blog post

welcome to my blog 2017 this will be shown on my blog to show and share my learning over the weeks i have started Hornby High school. this is to show what i am doing on my blog and share with others. thank you.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Graduate profile for the End of year 8

The two things im working on Is: thinking smart and active learner.